
Activity Feed

Activity Feed

mike in west seattlereplied to: RE: Mike was Living in a Tent in a Homeless Camp?

Hi Aquaman. I'm a friend of Pat's, just at the same level as everyone else here in the Pat Pack. As far as him visiting me in the hospital; th...


mike in west seattlereplied to: RE: How's this here newfangled thingie work?

I was wondering about the emoticons too. Also, when the Board first came back online, I tried to post a Haikewl, but it wouldn't format in the 5-...


mike in west seattlereplied to: RE: Welcome Back!

Hi Willy!


mike in west seattleHi shmoo!


mike in west seattlereplied to: RE: Welcome Back!

Thanks Lok!


mike in west seattlereplied to: Re: Ken Schramm has passed away

Yeah, it was so sad and shocking to hear about that.... :-( R.I.P. Ken


mike in west seattlereplied to: Re: Peculiar Podcasts - like buttah

Hi Willy! Sorry I'm a few days late in seeing this, and responding.Hopefully, you're still hanging out!


mike in west seattlereplied to: Re: Peculiar Podcasts - like buttah

Hey, no sweat, Pop!Good to hear from ya!


mike in west seattlereplied to: Re: Peculiar Podcasts - like buttah

Howdy, Sea Monkey!


mike in west seattlereplied to: Re: Peculiar Podcasts - like buttah

BTW, Alex has something he'd like to say; It will soon be fifteen of THESE since the Pat Pack was formed...(Please remember to frame your response in...


mike in west seattlereplied to: Re: Peculiar Podcasts - like buttah

six, it's been just a bit past ten years since Trisha moved on.And I think we both know where she is....


mike in west seattlereplied to: Well......

Taaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhp ohhhhhhhhhhhh theeeeeeeeeeeee marrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-ninnnnnnnnnnnn tooooooooooooo yaaaaaaaaaaaa!


mike in west seattlecreated the topic: Well......

Taaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhp ohhhhhhhhhhhh theeeeeeeeeeeee marrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-ninnnnnnnnnnnn tooooooooooooo yaaaaaaaaaaaa!


mike in west seattlereplied to: Re: Pat Pack Meetup - Tuesday, April 30th - 6pm

We do have the 15th Anniversary of the Pat Pack coming up!


mike in west seattlereplied to: Re: HI AUNTIE M!

Hi ArthurAllen!(Wish I would have had a chance to chat with you a bit morte last Saturday at the JP memorial!)


mike in west seattlereplied to: HI AUNTIE M!


mike in west seattlecreated the topic: HI AUNTIE M!


mike in west seattlereplied to: Re: Where were you 10 years ago tomorrow?

Eat some Kahlua brownies?


mike in west seattlereplied to: Re: The [206]

Maybe I'll try Sundays at 11:30 pm.Still quite a bit later than I am usually/like to be up, but 7:30 wouldn't work well, as I like to watch 60 Minutes...


mike in west seattlereplied to: Re: The [206]

Yeah, that's what I meant; that they used to delay SNL!
